Displaying 211 - 240 of 399 in total

Every Shipping Port in the U.S.

The ships that are sitting off Long Beach and Los Angeles require strong federal intervention. The solution to the problem that government and anti-American globally-...

Insider Trading in The Swamp and Beyond

When a government official, department, or entity breaks its fiduciary duty of blind justice, the guardrails come off for those who pay attention to such things. Vote...

Dump Drudge, the Lamestream, and Social Media

Dump Drudge, the Lamestream, and Social Media - FOMO and wasting time on things that do not matter is rotting the brains of many millions of Americans and earthlings w...


Maximize or Minimize Time, Effort, Aggravation, and Money - It's That Simple

His Underwear is in a Bind

Roscoe needs new grundies but he may not be able to get what he needs as he's in a bind. Rising consumer demand cannot keep up with pandemic-related disruptions to...

Patience is Power - You Can't Sleep Comfortably on a Bed of Gold Bars

Edward C. Banfield - Patience is Power - Optimize for the Future - Delay Gratification - Decisive Advantage with Patience - Risk: Working on the Wrong Thing - You Can'...

Special Edition - Combined Sample of the Current and Mindset Podcasts for Clients

1) An Introduction to Annuities. 2) No Secrets. 3) SC6-L Mobile Interview Kit. 4) Keep it Simple - Workshops & Technology. 5) Recalibrating Expectations. 6) Medicare a...

They Don't Care About Us - Today's Headlines

A Dark Night - Why? "The Party Hangs by a Thread" - Party over People - That's China and Russia, Isn't It? Not the USA? Or Is It? Ballot Box Privacy - Biden Returns...

D-Dimer, D-Dimer, D-Dimer

The wind, demand, and cow farts have caused the mass cancellation of flights. Hogwash. D-Dimer, Quantitative test cost is between $119.00 and $303.00. Plasma D-Dime...

Five Words Every True Business Person Must Know

The retainer, user, delegator, abdicator, and ignorer. Get rid of those who waste time, effort, aggravation, and money. Your TEAM deserves better. Be better by gett...

Drudge Report & Mental Illness

Investing in mindset wealth involves knowing what to focus on, be aware of, and ignoring the overwhelming majority of the abundant crapola that spews from every babbli...

Morals, Mores, and Ethics

Morals, mores, and ethics are individual, family, neighborhood, community, county, state, national, regional, and global. Those dudes from Pluto are taking our alumin...

Cops & Crime, Talk & Crime, Question & Crime

When you stop arresting criminals, what do you think is going to happen? San Francisco is a no-go zone if you want to be safe. If you talk about anything today, chec...

Fair Share According to Who?

Who decides what's fair? Do we the people? Hardly. And when "they" say "they" will tax the rich, it's not those who are extremely rich who will be taxed. Why? The ...

You Never Know What Will Happen When Retired

Nearly nine in ten Americans (85%) say Social Security is more important than ever to ensure that retirees have a dependable income. These views cut across age and inc...

Mommy and Daddy, Make It Stop Hurting - Time to Man Up

There comes a time when everyone needs to man up. The red pen will not kill you, nor should it turn you into an emotional basket case. Steve Jobs was arrogant, disres...

Breaking with Breakout then NapPod

Nap Pod was created from love and a strong desire to take what was learned and provide hard-working individuals access to an all-natural way to decompress, relax, and ...

Facebook Can Go Kiss My...

Facebook should be regulated as a public utility. It never will be because it's embedded with those who want to look up your skirt and talk about you behind steel doo...

Stop The World - I Want to Get Off

When should you re-evaluate everything? What will trigger the re-evaluation. Life events on a personal, family, social, national, or global level take place every da...

ABC Credentials Have Become Meaningless (Wed not Tue - LOL)

Wednesday, not Tuesday - ABC Credentials Have Become Meaningless - CFP, Financial Credentials, Form over Substance, Consumer Confusion - Just because someone has a bun...

Covid Protests and Business Operations

Those in the street and walking off the job are neighbors, family, friends, and co-workers. These are not paid, rabble-rousers. If the frequency and numbers increase,...

Decision Making Overload

Major in the majors, minor in the minors. Sounds simple but many do the opposite. Making constant decisions will wear one out. Developing checklists and routines wi...

The USS Baldwin is Sinking

Investing in a movie requires due diligence. The murder at the hands of Alec Baldwin, presents a classic case for doing your due diligence before investing in an exot...

Black Monday - Can You Handle It?

Black Monday - Can you handle a 20% drop in market value in one day?

Reminding me of 1976 and Taking Care of Business and Let It Ride

Reminding me of 1976 and Taking Care of Business and Let It Ride

Housing, Employment, Public Safety – Think Better by Being Different - Part 2 of 2

The Paul Truesdell Podcast Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF | CEO The Truesdell Companies The Truesdell Professional Building 200 NW 52nd Avenue Ocala, Florida 344...

Housing, Employment, Public Safety – Think Better by Being Different - Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2 - Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Emergency Services, Public Employment - Think Better by Being Different - Being profitable by being flexible. Thinking i...

Influenced by Influencers - Danger Will Robinson

When is a nudge considered advice? The modern "pump and dump" is alive and well. It involves CEOs and the social media male and female bimbos. Lemmings, lemmings, l...

I'm Coming Down With The Flu - Not

The Flu - The Game Room, the Backyard, and The Office - Fist Fights and Recovery - No pain no gain, and with today's society, it's like Robert Palmer wrote and sang: ...

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