Vice President Forecast

I/We - Take no sides other than a belief in the rule of law, the constitution, a republican form of government, states rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, American exceptionalism, the Monroe Doctrine, the Bush Doctrine, true science with facts over science as a religion, and the need for rugged entrepreneurialism.  Oh, and one last item: Stupid and Ignorant Voters are ultimately responsible for the mess we have.  Just saying...truth hurts.  Think About It. 

Don Jr. makes final lowa caucus pitch for his dad with Kimberly Guilfoyle: Warns of plot to 'SUPPRESS the vote' for Trump, mocks DeSantis for wearing 'high heels' and leaves door open for his OWN run for president in 2028

Yale  Too Close for Comfort: An Insider’s View of Presidents and Their Attorneys General

Correction:  Paul says "Muskie" twice when he meant to say "Humphrey."  Muskie was the VP DNC nominee to Humphrey.


Son like father or uncle? 

When Alexander Hamilton Tried to Steal the Election of 1800

Kings and Sons - an interesting read.

All in the Family?

And the winner is...
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