The Cardiologist is not a Chiropractor

Truesdell Wealth, Inc.
Casual Breakfast Conversations No Cost or Obligation

In-Person / November 11h
No Commission Real Estate
Stone Creek Golf Club - The Grille

In-Person / November 12th
True Estate Documents
Stone Creek Golf Club - The Grille

In-Person / December 11h
Death Taxes & True Estate Documents
Stone Creek Golf Club - The Grille

Online & On-Demand
Additional Engagements - Posted on Sunday, October 13th
Reservations available by calling 352-612-1000 or the CONTACT FORM
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There's a couple of things I'm not going to talk about, not going to do it, not in any way, shape or form. I've had a lot of people who have asked me in the past, Paul, why don't you maybe do an audio book or write a book about financial planning? Not going to do it. Not going to do it. Here's the thing. I don't get paid to teach people the things that they should know, a lot of the things that people should know they should have learned in high school and by the time you graduated college. And I'm not going to go back and talk about what it means to be employed, how you've got to develop a skill set that makes you employable to other people, how you're trading your time for money, and basically you're a voluntary slave. I'm not going to talk about how to get benefits. I'm not going to go and talk about independent contractors, total compensations, how you go through a job search. If that's important, then we'll talk about it. That's what advice is all about.

Welcome to the Paul Truesdale podcast, rather than two Pauls in a pod, this episode features Paul the elder, and thus just one Paul in a pod. So what's the gig? Individually or collectively, Paul and Paul sit down and chat predominantly at the Truesdell professional building and record frequently. They explain a few things about how life works before time gets away, they connect the dots and plot the knots, spots and ops with a heavy dose of knocks, mocks, pots, rocks, socks and mops. Confused, then welcome aboard. You see Paul the elder and Paul the younger enjoy telling complex stories that are always based on business, economics and forecasting, while having fun laughing and being among like minded men, women and children from Earth, Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune, individually and jointly, Paul the elder and Paul the younger, coupled with Team Truesdell, have been there and done it. If you enjoy front porch philosophers who take deep dives and connect the dots while drinking coffee during the day and a whiskey after five. Welcome. It is a true pleasure to have you on board. This is the Paul Truesdale podcast.

You know, let's talk about taxation, income taxes, estate taxes, capital gains, unemployment benefits, employee rights. I'm not going to talk about those things. Not going to do it. We're it. We can talk about entrepreneurship, how what it takes to become an entrepreneur. But the reality is, if you really want to know about how to do that, you pick up the phone, you call me, we'll have a conversation. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want a free lunch, go buy a book and do the research yourself what it means to have real compensation when you're an entrepreneur, income, the different business entities and types you can go into, how you do pre tax spending, how you can you need to understand your markets or resources and well, what if you just buy an existing business? You know, some people want to sit down and have me explain to them the importance of having a, you know, education beyond high school, you know, career alignment, expectation and earnings, vocational training, military service, higher education, financial aid, student debt. Teach me. Teach me. Teach me. No, no, those things are all online. It's been done before. There's no need to do it. What you're looking for someone to say, Dude, I really want you to explain to me what you think about this and give me some advice, because I respect you. Then that's what I'm there for. Otherwise, go out and knock yourself out. Why you should have an emergency fund, why you need to have planned savings. How much money should you have saved? And how should you save it? Yeah, I can talk about that, one to one. I'll talk about spending, key concepts related to spending or opportunity costs, the different modes of spending. I'll talk about charity, how charity should really begin at home, how you balance and reconcile books. I'm not going to do that. That's what your accountant should do. How to be a savvy consumer? Well, yeah, sometimes you need to be savvy. Sometimes you you you drop money on things because you're buying influence. Understanding economics, one thing is I'm not going to do is tell people about how to get out of debt. God, I'm not going to do that. Why? Because it's a waste of my time. It's a waste of your time. If you haven't learned the fact that you can't have debt when you're retired, you've got to be out of debt as much as possible in life. Well, bless your sweet little heart. You know, we can talk all about, you know, interest rates, amortizations, bank loans, merchant loans, credit cards. Oh, credit cards. We can talk about payday loans, predatory lending. I'm not going to do that. I will tell you that you need to keep on top of your credit score. It's a joke. You've got to, you got to fiddle fart around with it. But you know, it is what it is.

But when you have some big bets on big ideas, I can talk about those not big. Buys. Oh, you're going to buy a car, you're going to finance a car, you're going to get a home. Oh, I can talk to you a lot about that. I can talk you off the cliff on a lot of things. You see, the things that I know how to do is to ask questions, who, what, where, when, how, why, and the one that everybody seems to miss is which, yeah, I can do that. I can go through all the different things because it's an investigation. I have the skill set to ask the questions that will help you understand and clarify what you're really looking to do. And that's the thing people don't do, especially retirees. When they move to Florida, lot of times, the wife wants one thing, the husband wants something else, not really in line with what they want, and it causes some real problems. Okay, spending money you shouldn't be spending on stupid things. My gosh, I can tell you, there's a community in Ocala, Florida. It's called JB ranch. The number of people who have bought brand new homes, who have them for sale within one year because it wasn't quite the police, they thought, well, no kidding. Well, there's not many things to do here. Yeah, it's a smaller community. It's it has a particular mindset. There's a the type of person that lives here is different from the people living on on top of the world, or on Stone Creek or oak run, or in the villages in stone crest. You know, there's Each place has its own flavor, different from, for example, Marion landing and Cherrywood. We understand all of those in area. So, you know, go knock yourself out and spend your money. And yeah, good luck with that, because it is what it is. Okay when it comes to investing, financial markets, how when to buy and sell? Real estate investing, oh, modern investing techniques, cryptocurrency and all that. Not going to get into that. Those are conversations that I have one to one with people. But a lot of the investing things, yeah, those things are available online for you to get whenever you want, because it's not worth my time or years to go over the same thing over and over. People ask questions. My clients, the good ones. I have no bad clients right now, not a single solitary one. They ask questions. They ask, What do you think is going to happen on taxes? What do you think is going to happen with inflation? Okay, we're not going to do is, we're not going to sit down and talk about the importance of compound interest and the rule of 72 we're not going to do that or investing in yourself. Not going to do that. That's up to you. Retirement. Yeah, you got Social Security. You got Medicare. No, we don't do Medicare insurance. I can tell you what I think when it comes to getting the right kinds of plans, what the trade offs are, but whoever you use is fine, just don't be suckered into buying other things you don't need. I can talk about retirement accounts. And the most important thing that I will talk to you about is your mindset, living life fully, rather than sitting yourself, you know, up for, you know, being stupid and being on the computer all day and these social media, oh, God, social media is, is horrible. We got all these people, especially in 55 plus communities and certain groups, they use social media to attack people, online warriors. They're just they're creeps. Is what they are. Oh yeah, risk management, insurance, fraudulent activity, all of that, all of that important issues. But the thing is, what I do is it's ideal for people say, Dude, I have three kids. I have four kids. One's doing fine, one's not doing fine. One's on drugs. How do I establish a distribution formula? Be this what I want to do. Just tell them what you want to do, and we'll figure it out. That's it's you go to a doctor like they don't feel good. Well, what? Talk to me, what the doctor asked questions. When you go to a doctor's office, okay, you fill your your intake form, what's going on? Boom, boom, boom. Have you gone into a chiropractor? Little body? What aches, what hurts? They talk to you, and then they do their manipulations that, yeah, it's an investigation. And then from there, they're going to do a course of action. Now the thing I have a problem with chiropractors is that chiropractor is always wanting to have this plan of action. You got to keep coming back, keep coming back like financial planners. Well, we're going to do a plan, and we're going to keep coming back and keep coming back and doing things. Their only time they're ever going to work with you, if you keep spending money, that's the thing. But look, here's the other thing. Talking about personal goals. Yeah, I do, dad, I will pull out of you what it is you want to accomplish. Am I going to do a personal net worth statement for you? No, no, you can do that. You can do your you can put your numbers together. I'm not going to do that. That's the thing that makes us different from I call them these idiot financial planners, not going to do that, but when it comes to decision making, yeah, we'll help you figure some things out. I can look at any budget real quickly. Say, Oh, this is where you're screwing up here, here and here. I don't need to sit down and have a gigantic Well, we got to have a conference on. On this, I'm not going to sit down with people and put together your personal budget. I'm not going to show you how to get out of debt. It's easy. You want to know in every once in blue moon we have a client who have children who are in debt, and so we make those audios and videos available, but I'm not going to work with somebody who is struggling with with debt have issues. That's not what we do. Are we going to put together a comprehensive financial plan? Hell no, no, because everything is constantly changing. You see, the word is, partner. Do you want a partner in life? Someone that you can talk to, you can pick up the phone and say, This is what do I do? Well, what do you got? What's going on? How do you feel? Here's a good example. I had a client literally was diagnosed with cancer, terminally ill. Now the wife was concerned that, you know, if the market really crapped out and her husband died, she'd be left up a paddle, up a crick without a paddle. And as much as I talked to the guy said, Please tone down the portfolio, because I managed half of his money. He managed half. And he said, I absolutely want to be more aggressive, even though I might have six months to live, I want to be more aggressive. And I said, Well, it's a joint account with your wife. She doesn't want to so I'm not going to do anything, because there's a conflict. That's how I got out of that. And that was the story. This woman actually had the guts to fire me. Fire me. She left me after he died about three months, maybe six months later, maybe it was a year, probably about a year, she went to a lady because I think she was playing for the other team. To be very blunt with you, I don't know why they were ever married. I always wondered about that. And that made sense. You know, it made sense. But her justification was, you didn't talk him out of having his his IRA that he managed to be more conservative. I did the best I could. That was an excuse. She wanted to work with a lady, for obvious reasons, not with a man, and I got that. But I hate people that lie and bullshit you I just do. The thing is, I work really, really well with men and women who understand and appreciate this one thing. I want a partner. I want a partner. They can pick up the phone, I can send an email, schedule a call, discuss what I got going on, just like having a doctor, just like an attorney, and just tell me what you think, ask me the questions so I can make a good decision. That's all there is to it. That's what we do. This whole financial planning thing that's elementary school. Just not going to do it. If you think you need a financial plan, I'm going to tell you where to go. Go to D, I n, k, y, t, O, W, N, or go to the googly machine and Googly all around and see what is out there for, yeah, what's what's available. Okay, see what's available, and you can do your own financial planning stuff. Okay, so we've had a little bit of a conversation. We'll take a quick break. I'm going to talk to you a little bit about what we've got going on here in the Ocala metropolitan area. If you're not in the Ocala metropolitan area, feel free to ditch and get out of here. But if you want to listen to some of what we got coming up for our online on demand presentations. Bear with

okay. Paul the elder is calling this our station identification break. Let's see, okay, you're listening to true the true network. The truth is the truth the Truesdell network. That works. Okay, laugh, Jenny, take it

away. You are listening to the Paul Truesdale podcast. The Paul Truesdale podcast is sponsored by Truesdell wealth incorporated a true fiduciary based investment advisor, the home of fixed cost investing. Did you know that the Social Security Trust Fund is scheduled to run out of money within 10 years? Did you know the federal government spends over four and a half billion dollars more each day than what comes in the door by way of tax revenues? Are you concerned about the upcoming 20 to 30% reduction in Social Security benefits? If you said yes, schedule a call with a team Truesdell representative today. Don't delay. Do it today. Better yet. Do it now. For more information, see the link in the show notes.

The Paul Truesdell podcast is produced weekly at the Truesdell professional building located in the Ocala international commerce park, which is around the corner from the Ocala International Airport and the World Equestrian Center. Visit for details about our long history and rational difference in a sea of sameness. Now back to the Pauls.

So one of the topics that I will be putting online, you'll have to go to Truesdell. Dell, that's t, r, u, E, S, D, E, L, L. The name is easy, the word true drop in the letter S and farmer in the dell D, E, L, L, Truesdell, wealth. You can spell wealth, can't you? W, E, A, L, T, H, put that little period there. We call that a dot and go and all you got to do is take a look at the events, and you can see we've we're going to put something up. Well, it might not be up by time you listen to this. It may or may not be up, but the next on demand is going to be pretty easy. It's really easy peasy. In fact, it's not even going to have any video of me. It's just going to be a quick little presentation about what the risk are of index investing, okay, the risk of investing in the Standard Poor's 500 and I'm going to talk a little bit about that. It's going to be pretty short and sweet to the point. And then I'm going to talk about overlap, and it's a concept that you should understand, because years ago, I had a client who had the most amazing crazy portfolio because he did not believe he had enough diversification. And I'll tell that story, and then I'll tell you a little bit about overlap and how to do overlap analysis and why overlap analysis has some use in other cases, not one bit. So listen to that. It'll be online. For those of you who live in the Ocala metropolitan area, we do a thing called casual breakfast conversations in December and November, we have a series of talks we're going to give at the Stone Creek Golf Course grill. Okay? It's a very nice place. I like this place. Prices are right. Service is done well, and that's where we're going to be on these casual breakfast conversations. And generally speaking, we'd like you to show up around 945. Food will be available for you. It's a buffet style. And what happens? Sit down, start eating. And around 10, 1005, somewhere that 1010, I start having a conversation. Now I talk for about 30 minutes. I don't go any longer than that, and then the rest of the time, because we have it until 11 o'clock, you can ask me any anything. It's an AU a, ask me anything. And usually I have several people from our firm there. You can ask them as well. I try to always have at least a realtor that is also a representative of ours, an agent and also independent with a real estate brokerage firm, because a lot of people always ask us about they want to converse about how to sell your home at zero commission. That's the thing that we do through Truesdell consulting. That's kind of a popular little item. Some people don't believe it. They kind of have to see it. And so we do that as well. And again, you those topics are available. Reservations are always required, obviously, and if you want to attend, just simply go online, use the contact form or text, text us at 352-612-1000, that's 352-612-1000, I have Two primary numbers. The Manhattan number is 212-433-2525, that's 212-433-2525, and then our central Florida calendar number is 352-612-1000, it's a neat number. I kind of like that number we bought that. It makes it easy to remember. So give us a text. You can call. We do answer the phone if you get a recording, okay, if the answering service picks up the auto attendant, I guess is the proper name of it. It's because everybody's on the phone. It's not because we're not working. It's because everybody's on the phone, although when Milton was around, we did close the office and made sure everybody was safe and secure. So what do you do? Simply send a text or go online. Go to Come on. I've said this enough time. Say it with me. while you're eating your pancakes. What movie is that from? You know? What movie that's from? Right? Draft Day while you're eating your pancakes. What do you do? Go to or text, 352-612-1000, and say, Hey yo, time me up. I'm interested with that typical Tyler, too. I'm out of here.

That concludes the Paul Truesdell podcast, two Pauls in a pod. This has been a solo version, with Paul the elder helping each other understand with casual conversation, focusing on facts and figures and asking flamethrowers to move along. The Paul Truesdell podcast is sponsored by Truesdell wealth, a registered investment advisor. Truesdell wealth and the other Truesdell company. Are headquartered in the Truesdell professional building, which is located in the Ocala international commerce park, around the corner from the Ocala International Airport. Visit or text or call, 212-433-2525, you.

212-433-2525 / Copyright 2024 The Truesdell Companies