
You have landed on my public podcast. What's the gig? Well, I'm Dad. Let's sit down and chat regularly. I need to explain a few things about how life works before time gets away from us. To do this well, I am joined at time by eldest son who is also named Paul. A cast of other characters will drop in from time-to-time. We enjoy telling stories, having fun, laughing, and being among like-minded men, women, and children from Earth, Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune. However, those worms from Uranus always stink up the place whenever they crawl out of their hole. We don't cotton to small minded people. We've been there and done it. We upload a new TPTP when we feel like it. That stinks but it is what it is when you live a busy and full life. As a general rule, a new podcast will post on Sunday and Wednesday. Here's an idea, subscribed and you won't miss out. This also means that we will not get a high listener count. And we do this because we don't care about those who are too timid or lazy to engage with us. And frankly, only care about our partners, associates, and clients. It is what it is. Did that shock you? Well child, read on for more shock and awe. 😎 As for me, Paul, Sr. I've been making money since I was twelve. As of July 2021, I've worked approximately 185,000 hours. 70-hours a week for 2,552 weeks equates to 90 years for those who work 2,080 hours a year. And I am nowhere done. I run, lift weights, read, drink whiskey, like women, carry a gun, and have shot the balls off a nat farther than most can see. I do what I like, and good am profitable at, and can control. I read at least one book a week. I write extensively and have a blast making audios and videos for work and pleasure. This is my personal [non-business] podcast. I blow off steam and like to laugh with like-minded people. I enjoy programing, golfing, and fine dining at establishments that appreciate a man in a suit, boots, and a traditional haircut. I don't get mad; I get even when someone crosses family, friends, clients, and me. Don't do that. Ever. Seriously. Don't do that. John Dunton type generational values depicted in Yellowstone are part of our family epigenetic memory, back to the 900s. Okay, that said, the never-ending babble from propagandists will warp your brain to the point of no return. Be advised that when you click the podcast to play, you acknowledge that you have read and fully understand the disclaimer that appears at the bottom of this tome. If you are a thin-skinned, buttercup, or snowflake, you will likely be offended at one time or another. I don't care, and neither should you. Don't waste your time telling me what you think. Sincerely, I don't care to hear from those who sit in the bleachers and take credit for wins while blaming players for losses. But wait! Daddy didn't talk to you like this. Mommy, mommy, I need to hide behind your pants; Daddy's skirt is blowing in the wind, and the bad man can see me. Well, mommy and daddy should have started treating you as an adult at age 7 and drop kicked your butt out of the house at 18 if you were nothing but a fart in a frying pan. Why did so many men and women turn out to be a complete waste of human tissue? Because too many made baby batter and taught Bif and Barbie that the meek will inherit the earth. Hogwash. Life is tough. It always was and will be. Start living "your" life and know that coming in, living, and leaving this ball of mud we call earth, well, it isn't easy. It's never been easy and never will be. Birth, sick, death sucks, and hurts like hell. Some of you will figure it out on your own, some quicker than others. But, unfortunately, most of the dimwits, midwits, nitwits, and half-wits never will. Those with an IQ below 110 will find this podcast difficult at best. Those who have not read a book since elementary or high school will struggle (what the hell is the matter with you?). Regardless of who you are, do, or came from, sales are a part of life; however, stop selling to unqualified people. Ignore the lazy, stupid (they know but don't do), and the morally corrupt. As for the ignorant, teach them. If they refuse to do, they're stupid and move on. The big problem in life at the moment, in my opinion, is that the overwhelming majority of bipeds (excluding our ape and monkey cousins) lack the integrity to tell the obnoxiously selfish, violent, criminally insane, drunks, druggies, lazy, and psychopathic liars among us(aka politicians) to go pound salt. To those who think we are experiencing unique times, we are not. "Oh me oh my, yes, it's different this time," you say. Hogwash. Okay, I get it, you're saying something to fill the silence. Here's a suggestion: Shut Up! Why? If you have little if any grasp of history and have been living with your nose stuck in front of a smartphone, you're stupid. "You're stupid." Real history is a subject that is rarely taught in public or private schools sufficiently. The Kool (kook) Aid-based propaganda passing for history means you will repeat the mistakes of those that preceded. Real history is ugly, truthful, and the generals and politicians are not the heros. The heros are nameless and faceless Average Jane and Joe who paid the price for a cause they felt obligated to. In the end, the gig is always the same: "It's just about the money." Just because you didn't do it already doesn't mean it wasn't done a million years ago. It was. And as for mankind (get over the gender crap, by the way), well, we've been around a lot longer and in various forms for a long time. And stop being so damn self-important. The number of narcissistic midwits is the real pandemic of our time. The exaggerated sense of self-importance, persistent need for admiration, lack of engaged empathy for others, excessive pride in minor achievements, and snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes is outrageous. Even King Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian, might find the behavior today by many to be mad; and he knew mad by golly. Oh, and here's another fact, you and your cow's flatulence ain't causing global this, that, or anything else. You may fart, shart, or poo your pants in diapers, a toilet, or while hugging a tree, but you see, boys and girls, you ain't shit or doing shit to this big, massive, and all-powerful ball of mud we call earth. Oh sure, pollution is bad, but our personal production of gas simply stinks. That's all. But (or butt as you wish), without an appreciation of fact-based history and the ability to use data points to "connect the dots," you and those like you will repeat the mistakes of the many generations that came before us. Now the key. That's why I'm here with my eldest son and adding to the Current page from time-to-time. 😎 We are here to kick you in the mental butt; however, it's up to you to get off your butt and improve this ball of mud we call earth. At the very least, 🚫 stop screwing nature up so damn much. 🥱 Be a stoic by accepting that if you go to bed, you had a good day. If you wake up, you had a good night. Everything else is gravy. If you got upset with anything I said, guess what? It would be best to move along and back to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tinder, Snapchat, Instagram, or Pinterest. Watch another moronic 📺 television show, read the headlines of the latest gossip magazine, or watch the morning, noon, or evening news on one of the three-letter propaganda venues. Just stay the hell away from those like me; we'll crush you like a bug as we continue our 🏄‍♂️ walk (surf) through lives well lived. When time permits, bookmark Exodus 20:18; that ought to get the underwear of some in a real bind. As cousin William wrote: "And all the people sawe the thunder ad the lyghteninge and the noyse of the horne, ad howe the mountayne smoked. And whe the people sawe it, they remoued ad stode a ferre of." You see, I created and believe in what I call The Truesdell Golden Rule. The rule is also known as the 11th Commandment in my companies and among my family and clients. What is the Truesdell Golden Rule? It's my contribution to the flawed, one-part Golden Rule. And yes, I fixed something that's been around for many thousands of years. I suspect it was the way before I fixed it. Again, incase you did not get it, there is nothing new under the sun. But age-old lemmings, buttercups, and snowflakes, then as they exist today, likely freaked out and with much that was lost in the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria, for example, someone had to do it again. The simpleton scorched-earth mindset continues with rampant breeding. Mine has three interlocking parts. "Treat others the way you want to be treated, but expect the same in return, without exception." Now, ain't that something. A dad who has the balls to call it the way it is. Think About It. Disclaimer - Due to my holdings, those of my family, and that of my clients, and my firms, you should assume that I, me, and we, have a position in all companies discussed and that a conflict of interest exists. By listening, reading, or using this podcast in any manner, you understand the information presented is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. That's it, move along now and do something productive. The daylight is fading. 😎😎 So I saith. Paul the Other One.
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